Daily training with the Company

  From August 18th until October 9th the Nunzio Impellizzeri Dance Company will offer a daily class during the rehearsals for the new creation.

Daily training with the Company

The training is open to professionals and semiprofessionals and will be held by members of the company.
No registration is needed, just join us!
Monday to Friday, 10.00 - 11.15
Rote Fabrik, Tanzstudio der Stadt Zürich (How to get there: http://www.stadtplan.stadt-zuerich.ch/zueriplan/(X(1)S(ibbxpfkfvedynvnh12p354vy))/stadtplan.aspx?XKoord=682897.0&YKoord=244212.0&Massstab=2000&AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1)
Cost: 10.- CHF unit price (cash payment only)
Weekly updates and information about the class here: 
Week 5th - 9th October
Monday 5. - Ballet with Claudia Crispino 
Tuesday 6. - Contemporary with Daniel Navarro Lorenzo
Wednesday 7. - Contemporary with Elena Morena Weber 
Thursday 8. - Ballet for contemporary dancers with Maria Olga Palliani
Friday 9. - Contemporary with Aaron Smeding



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