Creation 2022 I Length 60 mins

How do we behave in the presence of sound or its opposite, silence?
Nunzio Impellizzeri's new choreographic journey investigates the relationship between silence and contemporary society - on the impact that one has on the other. Silence is not only absence of sound, but a much more complex reality that is often defined precisely in relation to Noise, Sound and Listening. SCH.NEE wants to offer an opportunity for reflection on the value of silence in a society of increasingly accelerated and deformed values. Everything must (or seems to) have a sound or a noise to be identified and known: vibrations can reassure our senses or put us in a state of agitation. But what happens in the Absence?

Noise, Sound, Silence through the metaphor of snow give the choreographer the opportunity to make another journey, between equilibrium and concentration - his essential languages - and to question the most interior and unusual aspects of our contemporaneity.


WORLD PREMIERE - 27 October 2022


Artistic Direction, Concept and Choreography
Nunzio Impellizzeri
Original Music
Tarek Schmidt
Federica Aventaggiato, Lionel Ah-Sou, Claudio Costantino,
Clémentine Dumas, Ioar Labat Berrio, Katharina Ludwig
Light and Costumes Design
Nunzio Impellizzeri
Rehearsal Direction
Irene Andreetto
Outside Eye
Silvia Scipilliti
Technical Direction 
Viktoras Zemeckas
Costume Production
Theama for Dance
Lorena Amico
Graphics and Web
MKS, RB engineering
Production Management
Manfred Dachs

A Nunzio Impellizzeri production in co-production with Kulturmarkt Zürich, M.A.S. Milano and La Sfera Danza Festival Padova. Developed in residency at M.A.S. Milano and La Maison des Artistes, Fribourg.



"This dance performance is not to be missed, fast-paced, intense, fascinating, absorbing, an almost physical experience - even as an audience member!
★★★★ Kaspar Sannemann - Oper-aktuell

"SCH.NEE" is much more than the absence of sound, it is comparable to the magic of a night walk in the first snow.
★★★★ Thierry Frochaux - PS Zeitung

There is nothing like fishes and snow to better investigate silence, trying to sculpt its forms, its whispering, its laws, and through dance to show those moments when, quoting a reflection by Peter Handke 'the extreme need to communicate, (...) coincides with the extreme inability to speak'.
★★★★ Giuseppe Distefano - Sipario

"...And when the lights go out, and there is darkness, in this absence of light and sound, it becomes apparent how loudly those colors screamed, how intensely the music throbbed, how precisely, sharply, astutely those bodies carved shapes, sculptures and movement into space. In this silence the noise is visceral."
★★★★ Mary Staub - Tanznachtisch by TanzLOBBY IG Tanz Zurich

"Nunzio Impellizzeri has a great understanding of the psychology of the audience. They are so captivated by the phenomena he uses that they themselves become part of the experience. Interpretations are made, memories are recalled, the imagination is stimulated and, of course, many alternative worlds are visited."
★★★★ Schweizer Kultur-Revue




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